So, WE decided to add another travel Quiz because of POPULAR DEMAND! Go Ahead and see if you can improve your score!
Last Chance– Test Your Travel Knowledge! Part Three!
Okay, So here’s your LAST opportunity to test your knowledge on world-wide locations. Have FUN!
Test Your Travel Knowledge–Part Two
So, we’re back with more items to test your knowlege of places, people and/or things around the world. Let’s see how well you fare this time!
Test Your Travel Knowledge–Part One!
So, how familiar are you with sites and sounds throughout the world? How about testing your knowledge by taking our short travel quiz. Let’s see how well you can do!
HAPPY NEW YEAR–From Our Cruiseship! Share in our FUN!
Our second half of our Caribbean Holiday Cruise included a fantastic New Year’s celebration onboard. Join us in exploring more islands and seeing how much fun one can have celebrating the holidays on a floating city!